Made the experience very easy to deal with

I cannot express how happy I am that I went to Ms. Hubbs for my financial issue after the purchase of my truck from a local dealer! I unknowingly bought several warranties for thousands more than what I had agreed to and didn’t know how I would be able to get it back. I contacted Ms. Hubbs and it didn’t take long for her to meet with me. She listened to my story and empathised with me and my situation since I was dealing with this and the failing health of my grandfather at the time. I showed her my contract with the dealer and, before too long, she corresponded with them about these unwanted warranties . Long story short, she got through the convoluted mess of paperwork with this shady dealership and got me back all of the warranty money plus a rebate that they never included in the pricing, even though we agreed on it the day of purchase. I received a couple of thousand more back than I thought I would get and I have only Ms. Hubbs to thank! I have never had to go to a lawyer before, but, she made the experience very easy to deal with, even though the situation itself was not. If I have any other legal matters in the future, I am for sure going to Ms. Hubbs for counsel and you should too!

— Mike G.
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